『EU-Japan Fest Official Report 2022』に掲載されました

"Cook in Residence" which  I participated in the European Capital of Culture "Novi Sad 2022" held in Serbia in 2020 as the 29th support project was published in "Eu-Japan Fest Official Report 2022".

Eu-Japan Fest Official Report 2022』に、第29回支援プロジェクトとして、2020年にセルビアで開催された欧州文化首都『Novi Sad 2022』に参加した「クック・イン・レジデンス」が掲載されました。


Serbian Nightの今後のスケジュールについて

While Serbian Night was closed, the season changed from winter to spring. This post is for future announcements.

Serbian Night was closed for 2 months due to reopening in April. During that time, due to the worsening of the business surrounding the restaurant industry, such as inflation, as well as family circumstances and a decline in physical strength, I gave up weekly business.

The future schedule is undecided, but if there is an opportunity, I will tell you and participate.

On the other hand, Select Shop DOMACA will continue to operate online business.

Thank you for your continued patronage.


4月から再開の予定でお休みをしていたSerbian Nightですが、折からのインフレをはじめとした飲食業をとりまく事業の悪化、加えて、家庭の事情と体力の低下もあり、定期営業を断念せざるを得ない状況となりました。


なお、Select Shop DOMACAでの雑貨販売はこれまで通りいたします。








Serbian Night Vol.110《Sarma(サルマ)/ サワーキャベツのロールキャベツで、バルカン・ディナー》

  Since our last Serbian Night was right before the winter holidays, I decided to make a little surprise to the main dish. Sarma, a winter-only menu item, is cabbage rolls wrapped in fermented cabbage. On this day, I stuffed dried paprika, which I bought in Serbia last summer, with meat and served with sarma. 

  Thank you to all who came and care about. Serbian Night is close from February to March. But because of inflation, staying at home costs too much electricity, so I registered as a temporary worker. Also, we have to file our income tax return in these months. Serbian Night will be back again in the spring. I am looking forward to seeing you again. 


