Serbian Nightの今後のスケジュールについて
While Serbian Night was closed, the season changed from winter to spring. This post is for future announcements.
Serbian Night was closed for 2 months due to reopening in April. During that time, due to the worsening of the business surrounding the restaurant industry, such as inflation, as well as family circumstances and a decline in physical strength, I gave up weekly business.
The future schedule is undecided, but if there is an opportunity, I will tell you and participate.
On the other hand, Select Shop DOMACA will continue to operate online business.
Thank you for your continued patronage.
4月から再開の予定でお休みをしていたSerbian Nightですが、折からのインフレをはじめとした飲食業をとりまく事業の悪化、加えて、家庭の事情と体力の低下もあり、定期営業を断念せざるを得ない状況となりました。
なお、Select Shop DOMACAでの雑貨販売はこれまで通りいたします。