Serbian Night 【7周年記念・セルビアワインの夕べ】Vol.101《Mućkalica(ムチュカリッツァ) / 豚肉のパプリカ煮込みで、バルカン・ディナー》

 Thanks to the support of guests and friends, "Serbian Night", which was born as a one-night-only crowdfunding project, has reached its 7th anniversary.  For this 101st time, we invited Ms. Takako Schmidt from MondoDelicious Makoto Investments Co., Ltd., who imports wine and ajver from Serbia and held a "Serbian Wine Evening". It is a project that has been postponed since the fall of 2019.  And it was the first dinner since February 2020.  As I prepared wine bottles, glasses, flowers and candles on the counter, remembering how I had arranged it, a regular dinner customer since the time I was doing business in Kamakura came through the door. It was as if I had spent the past two years and nine months in a parallel world.  On the other hand, the regular customer who showed up in a professilal business suit that looked far different from the relaxed Saturday brunch & lunch so I was sorry for not being able to notice who you were for a moment. 

 During the dinner, Ms. Takako explained the Serbian wines which paried with the dishes and talked with the guests. It was a day to remember. Thank you for everyone to come and  spend the wonderful night of our 7th anniversary together. I made it back finally. This is what the real Serbian Night is, I thought.

 Thank you to everyone who came and always care about. FIFA World Cup will begin next week, the Republic of Serbia national team will  play in group G.  In the middle of the  heartbreaking news all over the world, fortunately  we will be able to expect some exciting scenes. At the end of this post, there is the  schedule from late November. If you know well about football, please teach me, because I am unfamiliar with sports, how the World Cup is going when you visit Serbian Night. The last opening  at the end of the year will be dinner on December 21st. The first day of new year will be the Serbian Orthodox Chrismas menu on January 7th. Please make a note of it in your schedule for next year. After enjoying the Japanese New Year mood, why don't you join our Balkan Christmas table?



 ご来店の皆さま、いつも気に掛けてくださる皆さま、ありがとうございます。まもなく、セルビア共和国も出場するサッカーワールドカップが始まりますね。セルビアはグループF 。世の中に悲痛なニュースがあふれるなか、心躍る場面にも出会えそうです。文末に次回からのの予定を載せています。サッカーに詳しい方は、ご来店の際に、スポーツに疎い私にワールドカップの状況を教えてくださいね。年末の最終日は、12月21日㈬のディナーです。年初は、ユリウス暦のクリスマスに当たる1月7日㈯のセルビア正教会メニューブランチ&ランチからはじまります。来年のスケジュールに帳にメモしておいてくださいね。お正月気分を満喫した後は、私たちと一緒にバルカンのクリスマス料理を楽しみに来ませんか?


Serbian Night Vol.100《Sogan Dolma(ソガン・ドルマ) / タマネギの肉詰めで、バルカン・ディナー》

 Dinner on November 9th (Wednesday) was temporarily closed. I'm sorry for posting only an announcement this time because I'm busy with both public and private matters.

 Thanks to you, Serbian Night, which was born on November 19, 2015, is celebrating its 7th anniversary. From this month, it will be Wednesday dinner or Saturday brunch & lunch, so please check the schedule. On 16th. November, the 101st time, a buyer from Mondedelicious  which imports Serbian wine will come and you can drink 3 types of Serbian wine (red and white) by her choice. And you may have a souvenir to bring back your home.  If the reservation is 7 or more, you can have 4 types of wine (red and white rosé) will be served. Enjoy the latest news on Serbian wines and local topics with dinner.

 At the end of this post, there is a schedule from the next time.  Wednesday, December 21st., is the last dinner of the year, but Christmas in Serbia, which is celebrated according to the Julian calendar, is on January 7 of the new year. The first Serbian Night lunch will also be on Saturday, January 7th. Please mark on your your new schedule book! and come to Serbian Night  with friends, family or loved ones, or by yourself and spend a relaxing time.




Serbian Night Vol.99《Karađorđeva šnicla(カラジョルジェヴァ・シュニツラ)│カラジョルヴィッチ家のロールカツで、がっつりブランチ&ランチ》

 One of the things that left a strong impression on me during my stay in Serbia in the summer was the seasonality of food. Even if off-season dishes are listed in the menu book, customers and restaurants will of course say, "It's a winter (or autumn, spring) dish."and did not order / take order them.  However the the seasonal dish were available if the kitchen has ingredients.  In Japan we can get a variety of ingredients all year round and  easy to forget but the "season" is important. It was an opportunity to look back on my own “no wonder".

 Thanks to you, Serbian Night, which was born on November 19, 2015, is celebrating its 7th anniversary. From this month, it will be Wednesday dinner or Saturday brunch & lunch, so please check the schedule. On 16th. November, the 101st time, a buyer from Mondedelicious  which imports Serbian wine will come and you can drink 3 types of Serbian wine (red and white) by her choice. And you may have a souvenir to bring back your home. (Held with a minimum reservation of 4 people). If the reservation is 7 or more, you can have 4 types of wine (red and white rosé) will be served. Enjoy the latest news on Serbian wines and local topics with dinner.

 At the end of this post, there is a schedule from the next time.  Wednesday, December 21st., is the last dinner of the year, but Christmas in Serbia, which is celebrated according to the Julian calendar, is on January 7 of the new year. The first Serbian Night lunch will also be on Saturday, January 7th. Please mark on your your new schedule book! and come to Serbian Night  with friends, family or loved ones, or by yourself and spend a relaxing time.


